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Select ONE of the following questions:

  1. Why was Confucianism so readily embraced as a philosophical basis of government and society in traditional East Asian societies? In your answer discuss two regions studied in this unit.
  2. Japan is often seen as a unique society and a unique polity. Yet, in its reliance on cultural borrowings, it is typical of many Asian societies.’ Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and why?
  3. How did Koreans maintain their own distinct culture, despite long periods of Chinese domination and heavy Chinese cultural influence? Provide specific examples to support your arguments.
  4. Why were Indian influences far more prevalent than Chinese influences in the traditional pre-modern states of Southeast Asia?
  5. To what extent did Mongol rule transform society, culture and politics in China and Korea? Provide specific examples to support your arguments.
  6. What were the factors that made Southeast Asia far more susceptible to Western intervention and colonisation than states in East Asia during the nineteenth century?  
  7. In what ways did the Tokugawa shogunate develop the political, social, economic and educational foundations for Japan’s rapid modernisation after 1869?
  8. What factors contributed to the gradual political decline of Chosŏn Korea during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and why did it finally succumb to Japanese intervention in 1894
  9. What role did imperialism play in the demise of the Qing dynasty during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? Support your answer with specific examples.
  10. Why was 19th Century Japan better able to respond to the challenge of the West than were China and Korea?
  11. Why did China and Japan follow such divergent paths in the early decades of the twentieth century?
  12. “Japanese wartime colonialism in Indonesia was an opportunity rather than a burden to those colonised.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement, and why?

    #Note: Regarding the history of asia textbook as they said you can reference. I’ve put three screenshots of the chapters it provides. Could you let me know what chapters you would like and I will upload them?

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